Wednesday 19 March 2014

Bible Book:

“All this took place to fulfil what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet, ‘Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emannuel.’” (vv. 22-23)

Matthew 1:18-25 Wednesday 19 March 2014


God's promise, found in the Old Testament, is fulfilled. A baby,promised to the people of God, is born in the place and at the timethat the prophets had predicted, coming to be with us; Emmanuel,God with us.

The story of the incarnation is the most powerful story of thefaithful God. Not only does it tell us that God does not makehollow promises, but that God also gives us the most and the best.God's Son is the most costly gift of all, costly to us and toGod.

In the passage, the ever faithful God comes to be with Joseph atthe point at which he was probably getting very anxious about Mary.God comes to relieve him of his fears and to predict that all willbe well. How many times do we read and listen to the words "Do notbe afraid?" (v. 20). Throughout history people (including us) havebeen nervous of what might happen and God comes to tell us againand again do not be fearful "for I am with you always" (Matthew 28:20), as we read later on in theGospels.

Here is a faithful God delivering God's promises, reassuring usat difficult times, giving us what we need to hear, and offering usall a life that can be free and full and connected to all thatmatters if we so choose.

To Ponder

  • Recall, if you can, the joy of the last Christmas, the hopethat you were looking for, and the delight that you may beexperienced, as you found yourself listening and participatingagain in the Christmas story. Consider the times that have passedsince then. Where or when might you have noticed "Emmanuel",Godwith us, since? Where or when have you felt the absence of God?What do you notice about your discoveries?
  • As we journey towards the Passion and Crucifixion where do younotice our faithful God now? What does the incarnation mean to youduring Lent? 

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