Friday 27 December 2013

Bible Book:
1 John

“Whoever says, ‘I am in the light’, while hating a brother or sister, is still in the darkness.” (v. 9)

1 John 2:3-11 Friday 27 December 2013


Today, the Feast of John the Evangelist, John writes of theheart of the good news and the implications of it. When God dwellsin us we become more God-like. Our creation is in God's image, oursalvation a restoration of what was first intended. John ispainfully clear. Evidence of 'knowing God' is obedience to God.Those that lay claim to knowledge but are disobedient are describedsimply as liars. Now there is clearly much behind this passage.Gnosticism was a philosophy in which knowledge of God was an almost'occult concern'. It was hidden from most people and was given byGod to a few. To have such an indwelling of God was clearlysomething that gave you status and authority within a community.But how could you tell it was of God? John is wary of Gnosticismthough it may sound a little like Christianity. We may get a senseof that wariness, for today people claim to be super-spiritual andlike John we might wonder, 'how do you know that they aren't makingit up?' They may tell of amazing gifts of the Spirit, or have manyletters after their names indicating years of hard work and study,but how do we know they know God? John's answer is simple. If youreally know God, God dwells in you, and then you are more likeGod.

In this passage there is something of a challenge and somethingof a wonderful promise. The challenge is clearly 'walk the talk'.Christianity isn't about the capacity to believe "six impossiblethings before breakfast" (as Lewis Caroll might express it), it isto inhabit a story that means living life very differently. But thepromise is there too. God can dwell in us. We can know, as JohnWesley taught and Charles Wesley sung, 'and feel our sinsforgiven'. God can be real to us, and in allowing God space in ourlives, we begin to be transformed into God's likeness - the acidtest is the wonderful promise as we become part of a light tolighten the world.

To Ponder

  • Where do you see God's light in your life? And where would youlike that light to shine more brightly?
  • To what extent do you "know and feel" (as Charles Wesley putit) God's healing and forgiving power?
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