Monday 05 June 2017

Bible Book:

And my people shall never again be put to shame.” (v. 26)

Joel 2:23-27 Monday 5 June 2017

Psalm: Psalm 18


After the locusts, the rain; after death and destruction,renewal and new life. Having described the effects of a plaguewhich devours all vegetation and brings starvation to humans andanimals alike that he believes foreshadows the day of the Lord (Joel1), Joel compares such an infestation to an enemy invasion (Joel2:1-11) and calls for repentance (Joel2:12-17). The result of this will be restoration of the land,gifted by God. God's bounteous refreshing will come during theearly autumn rainy season, and the late lighter rainfall (verse23). In this way by soaking the ground in October or Novemberbefore ploughing and sowing, and then bringing the growing crops tomaturity in March and April, God will replenish the grain and winelost during the locust invasion (verse 24), restoring basicfoodstuffs.

Joel sees God's hand in the restoration of abundance to matchthe restoration of the relationship with Yahweh just as he saw theengulfing disaster as a sign of God's judgement (Joel2:11). The prophet's description of human flourishing amidstGod's wondrous dealings (verse 26) contrasts vividly with hisearlier horrific depiction of terror and destruction in the middleof the relentless insect swarm (Joel2:1-11). The earlier pestilent devouring of the locusts leadingto weeping and mourning (Joel2:12) is replaced with plentiful eating and praises of God fordivine abundance. This restoration of fortunes, says the prophet,should renew confidence in God's power and act as reminder ofdivine omnipotence, omnipresence and faithfulness to Israel (verse27).

Verse 4 of Charles Wesley's hymn 'See how great a flame aspires' (Singing theFaith 412) puts it like this:

Saw you not the cloud arise,
little as a human hand?
Now it spreads along the skies,
hangs o'er all the thirsty land:
lo, the promise of a shower
drops already from above;
but the Lord will shortly pour
all the spirit of his love!

To Ponder

  • Have there been periods in your life that have felt like'locust years', where more has been laid to waste than nurtured togrowth?
  • What have you learned about God and yourself through theseexperiences?
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