Saturday 08 August 2009

Bible Book:

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your soul, and with all your might." (v. 4-5)

Deuteronomy 6:4-13 Saturday 8 August 2009


The Shema (the Hebrew name for this passage) is the creed ofJudaism, recited as a daily prayer. It also sets the pattern forour daily lives as Christians, for in it, we read that we shouldlove and think constantly about God. It also instructs us to teachour faith to our children, and live by the rules that God has setfor us. Those rules are the Ten Commandments (Exodus20:1-17).

It is, in essence, at the core of Christian belief. It is about thenature of the Covenant that God makes with us through Christ, andmade with the people of Israel (Genesis 17:2-9); acovenant that demands total allegiance to God and God alone. We,like the people of Israel, are asked to respond to God with thesame fullness of love which has been shown to all God's people. Godpromises that God will always be there for us: a covenant fulfilledin Christ coming to earth, and dying to atone for the sins of allpeople.

Verse 12 reminds us not to forget God in the good times, when allis well. Being a Christian is about adopting a way of life thatstarts with God and ends with God. God who is with us in the goodtimes and the bad. So we need to learn to give thanks at all times(see 1Thessalonians 5:18), and learn a dependence and reliance thatcomes from trusting God for all our needs.

To Ponder

How often do you pray? To what extent is itimportant to say 'daily prayers'?

Read the Shema (especially verses 4 and 5) againas your prayer for the day. Reflect on how you can live up to it(or have lived up to it).

How can you learn to give thanks at all times?How can you do that today?

A famous hymn by Sydney Carter has as its chorus"And it's from the old I travel to the new; keep me travellingalong with you." How can you use these words to guide your journeywith God today?

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