Sunday 14 March 2021

Bible Book:

...the light has come into the world (v. 19)

John 3:14-21 Sunday 14 March 2021

Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22


Over the last 12 months, most of us will have seen TV images  of hospitalised Covid-19 patients rigged up to machines. We have got used to seeing heartbeats translated into graphics on bedside monitors. The reassurance of a regular heartbeat is indeed good news.

“For God so loved the world…”(v. 16) is the reassurance that Jesus gives in today’s reading both to Nicodemus and to all people everywhere, that the creative energy behind the world is essentially a loving life-force. The heartbeat of God pumps love around this extraordinary universe and it is, in essence, life-giving. Jesus tries to encourage Nicodemus to keep his eyes on God all the time (which is why in verse 14 Jesus refers to the Israelites in the desert needing to keep completely focused), and attempts to lead him into the understanding that the Son of Man, Jesus himself, stands before him.

 “…that everyone who believes in him…” (v. 16 is the key to faith in Jesus. This famous verse does not say “whoever believes him”, but “in him”. This requires a shift in understanding. People who believe Jesus will, of course, believe what Jesus says; but those who believe in Jesus have understood at a different level. Jesus is trying to encourage Nicodemus to experience a relationship with God that involves not just his mind, but his heart and soul. It is Jesus trying to open this Pharisee’s mind to see spiritually that the person in front of him cannot simply be believed, but believed in. And believing at this profound level, will enable Nicodemus to enjoy a relationship with God – forever!

 “…everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”( v. 16) Once the step is taken to accept that Jesus is, both by word and deed, the Son of God, then the real journey of faith begins. “The light has come into the world…”(v. 19) It is like enjoying an in-body spiritual relationship with God, every day of our lives – but only if we keep focused on God. If we do, that relationship with its joint heartbeat will enjoy the journey from life and death to the marvellous mystery beyond.

 In the next few days we will see where faith in God, with God, might lead us.


To Ponder: 

    • The third of John Wesley’s rules for daily living is often paraphrased as “Stay in love with God”. Today, find time to reflect on just how much God also stays in love with us. Relationship matters.
    •  Graham Kendrick’s hymn 723 in Singing the Faith contains the words “the Father heart of God.” The hymn explores the need for such divine love to work with people of faith towards greater justice. The hymn serves as an introduction to Jeremiah’s continuing trials which we will study in the coming week.
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