Sunday 15 January 2023

Bible Book:

The next day he saw Jesus coming towards him and declared, ‘Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!' (v. 29)

John 1:29-42 Sunday 15 January 2023

Psalm 40


If you watched the World Cup last year, you wouldn’t have been able to miss the conversations that took place about who was the GOAT! In fact in most sports today you will find people arguing about who is the GOAT of their specific sport. Is it Messi, Ronaldo or Pelé? Is it Ben Stokes, Sachin Tendulkar or Don Bradman? Venus Williams or Pete Sampras? You get the picture. When people are declaring who they believe is the GOAT they are seeking to give that individual the title  'Greatest Of All Time'.

Twice in our passage John the Baptist calls out as Jesus walks by, declaring “Look, the Lamb of God”. It is a title that carries significance for those in Jesus' day. Sheep were prized possessions and brought wealth to those who owned large numbers of them.They were a sign that person was blessed. They were also sacrificial animals and so calling him 'the Lamb of God' makes a reference to the sacrifice Jesus would make for the world. By using this title, John is signifying again who he believes Jesus is and what he is going to do.  

I often wrestle with how I can speak to others about Jesus in a way that makes sense to them. How do we share the good news in ways that are relevant? Giving Jesus the title of GOAT may not carry the same theological significance as the title Lamb of God but it may open the door to sharing the significance of Jesus to people afresh.

John came to prepare the way. To declare who Jesus was and what he was going to do. This passage encourages us to do to the same for those who will listen today.


To Ponder:

  • Have you ever been given a title or nickname that describes who you are or something you're good at?
  • What title would you give to Jesus today that would help people understand something about who he is?
  • How might you prepare the way for Jesus today?
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